Saturday, June 26, 2010

Return to Blog and Return to Cranford

Ok. So it,s been forever since I blogged about anything. And I notice that no one comments so, it's no one's loss, but I though I'd start up again, for my own sake.

I just watched Return to Cranford, which is (obviously) the sequel to Cranford. It was very different than the first and I liked it better in so many ways. Judi Dench reprises her role as Miss. Matty who has come into her own, and isn't the scared women looking to her sister as she was in the first series. I also enjoyed Mary Smith's return, and I fell in love with the new characters especially Peggy Bell and William Buxton, their romance is so pure and sweet it added a much needed love aspect that the first lacked. I fervently recommend it.

I love his curly blond hair! He makes me think of a blond J.J Field.

William Buxton (played by Tom Hiddleston)