Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Friends Indeed

This is me and my cousin/best friend SARA. We have been friends and cousins all our lives :) We made so many plans together. Our lives in NYC when we grew up. And even though life has put those plans on hold we still have our dreams.

We have so much fun together. We invented the Movie Fest. And since we were young we get together and we watch whatever movies we feel like ALL night long. Like Dumb & Dumber or Hello Dolly or Pearl Harbor.

We have very similar taste in movies and in guys. We both think that James McAvoy is one hot man, and we also LOVE Leo DeCaprio and ooh Paul Walker. And when we thought of the perfect Darcy we both considered Henry Cavill. Sometimes its scary how much we think alike.

Then there are things that we don't agree on. We are like any typical friends and we have had our little tiffs, but that's one good thing about being best friends with a relative. They have to love you no matter how silly you can be. And sometimes we don't agree on guys, when she was 13 she had this thing for Apollo Anton Ono. Weird right?

Anyway, I love hanging out with Sara.

RACHEL- One of the other people that I hang out with all the time is actually Sara's sister Rachel. She is amazing and hilarious. She can say some pretty weird gross things, but I love her. She has the cutest dogs ever, two Boston Terriers named Brindy and Brody. I love hanging out with all three of them.

We have a TON in common. We both LOVE Doctor Who and Twilight. And she got me to read the Gregor Chronicles by Suzanne Collins and I really like them. We also both love the shows L&O SVU and Heroes. So we get together and watch Dr Who together a lot. Plus, I just love hanging out with her!

Rach has some really weird taste in guys though... She loves Avenged Sevenfold and for the last year or so has been obsessed with Jimmy Sullivan. And frankly he's just nasty. I don't mind A7X music, but I just hate Jimmy because she talks about him all the time. She is also now obsessed with Shawn Murray (pronounced MUR-ee) From NCIS, he plays McGee apparently. (I don't watch it) but he's cute in a geeky way, but he's not hot at ALL and she thinks he is... ewww.

The only guys we agree on are David Tennant, Chris Meloni and Zachary Quinto, which happen to be the stars of our favorite shows. :)

SARAH- The 'sexy beast' on the far left in the pic on the right is my only good friend who isn't related to me. I've know Sarah for many years, since we were eight or so. Her Dad doesn't like me so we haven't spent much time together in the last few years. But she lives with her Mom now, and its like 45 min away and I miss her a lot. And I don't get to see her in school anymore, which was the only place we could hang out.

But I'm hoping that we will hang out a lot more that she's gotten away from her Dad.

This is me and my other friend/cousin, ERICA. She is so amazing and funny. http://steelgardengrandeur.blogspot.com/ That's her blog, check it out! We both decided to start blog in the same week, without even consulting each other. That's how in sync we are :)

Anyway, Erica is so amazing. She brought me and Sara to see Dashboard Confessional and Panic! at the Disco in Toronto last year. It was sooo fun!

We also have some similar tastes. Like we both love Moulin Rouge an the musical Wicked. But a lot of stuff we don't agree on. Like she hates the movie the Notebook. WHAT? Yeah I don't what that's about! And she HATES Kristin Stewart. While I just don't particularly like her as Bella. But we both love the Twilight Saga.

And she first introduced me to my true love Chris Carrabba, my all time favorite music Dashboard Confessional. So for that reason I am infinitely indebted to her.

ERIN- Silly Erin. She is my other friend/cousin. (I have a lot) We also have a lot in common. We are definitely related, we are so alike. Sometimes its scary and we get on each others nerves. We are both so opinionated, and when we rarely don't agree, we REALLY don't agree. But mostly we get on great. We both love to read and listen to music. And we love watching really awesome movies.

We are a lot alike and we fight sometimes, but I love her. And we will always be best friends!