Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My World Crumbling Down

Ok, currently my entire downstairs is completely torn apart. My mother discovered mold and so rip, rip, rip out come the carpet and the paneling. Not that she shouldn't have done it, she is doing an amazing job, with little help from me. It seems like every time she gets ahead something else goes wrong and it is truly unfair, because no one deserves happiness and a nice home more than she does. I'm thinking of writing to Oprah and telling her our whole story. Or maybe Extreme Makeover. Because I really think we deserve it. Well, she does anyway. I mean half of the stuff that is going wrong is because of the stupidity of my ex-step-father. I don't like to speak ill of the dead, but he totally screwed us!

His slutty ex-wife (one of them I should say) gets his pension check every month because he never changed the beneficiary. And my mom and him were married EIGHT years. So she gets money every month to feed her drug habit and we are barely scraping by. It really pisses me off!

But there is nothing I can do. Its really imperative now that I get a job, because I HAVE to contribute or things will just continue like this. She has supported me all my life and I have done nothing to deserve it or repay her. I just hope that I can make up for it somehow. But really who is going to give a job to an 18 year old without a HS diploma. (Yeah, I know!) I feel like such an idiot. But it's not like I was really being lazy. And I almost almost graduated, but depression seriously runs in our family and I just couldn't seem to do it. I tried, I really did. But nothing seemed to matter, and I just couldn't make myself get up in the morning. I regret so much of what I didn't do now. And now I don't know what I can do to make up for it. I am studying for my GED test and then I'll get a job hopefully, but there is such unemployment here. And my test isn't until December, so what can I do till then?


  1. I'm so sorry you guys are having house troubles! Def write about it for Extremem Makeover! You can do it right on the website. I tried to do it for Gramma, but never made a video and we never got called. :(

    Don't worry, you're not the only one without a job, and it's not just because you didnt graduate! Sara has a diploma with regents credit and she still can't get a job! Little good it does...

  2. Well, besides, now you HAVE your HS diploma smart girl!!!!
