Saturday, November 7, 2009

Slither & Hiss: Montgomery Python

My mom has caught a Garden Snake. My puppy Brookie had first discovered it in the stones in our yard. It is kind of creepy but I think it is cute. It's really small. It's tiny, so I think it must be a baby.

We have named him (we are assuming it is a him) Montgomery Python, "Monty" for short. My Mum came up with Python and I came up with Monty, for Monty Python! Yay! John Cleese. (I want to marry 70s Micheal Palin!!) Not only that, but Uncle Monty Montgomery from the Series of Unfortunate Events (favorite books from my recent childhood) was a herpetologist, which is a person who studies (collects) snakes/reptiles. So I thought the name was very fitting.

Anyway, we have decided to keep him! I have the tank and everything from my late green anole, Wilmer. :( So Monty has a new home! I don't know if we'll be able to keep him once he is bigger and we start having to give him frogs and mice. I am a rodent lover and I could never feed one to a snake. A frog maybe! (Frogs are GROSS!) Anyway, I hope we keep him for a while anyway, he's really cute.

It's really fun watching him move. I've never had a snake before or watched them for an extended period of time. My cousins had a garden snake named Heston, but I don't really remember looking at him much.

Now, all I need is my very own puppy and our animal family will be complete: Snake, Monty; Three cats, Bella, Gypsy and Zoe; Dog, Brooklyn; Rat, Nola!! I love all of my animals and I'm very excited about this new edition!

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